22 February 2010


another snow day in the land of enchantment:

i love snow days.
i like the way the sky looks {especially at night when were about to be blanketed in pure white}.
there is something magical about snow.
makes me feel like a kid again.
i wanted to bundle nora up & go outside,
but she's got a runny nose {REALLY SUPER RUNNY NOSE}

{microwave hill from my back window}

{a few magical inches}

{my little tiny trying to escape in jammies}

maybe i like snow days because, here in farmington, the snow doesn't stick around for too long.
most snow days result in a beautiful sunny blue sky.
just like today.
on this snow day in the mcphee home
it smells of freshly swept & pinesol mopped floors,
warm clean laundry
& a little lavender lathered babe.

another day in the life of three mcphees.

post script: this weekend was full of all things wonderful. like a visit from papaw mark, sewing club at a good friend's home, yummy red lobster, & berg park. details {& photos} to come.


Alicia said...

Awe snow. Love it (most of the time).
I've been blog stalking you forever. I'm glad that one of us finally added the other one to their list. haha

Anonymous said...

ha! the last photo suggests that your Little Tiny is a little adventurous ;) so cute! I can't believe it's still snowing there...

Jessie said...

We need to set up sewing club at the cabin now!