29 September 2009
28 September 2009
this is what i see every morning: between 7:30 & 8:00 {a.m.} i hear my baby greeting the morning. i drag myself out of bed to find these bright eyes {& only part of a little nose} peering from behind her crib. its the best way to start off my day. {i love her}


We got these pajamas from TARGET: small paul {by Paul Frank} all too true for my blonde & blue eyed beauty

& her newest trick: "the stink bug". {she really likes our tile for some reason}

19 September 2009
3 mcphees

nora was so curious in this new place, she did not want to sit still for very long. but paul got some awesome shots of us {i love watching him look for the perfect shot}. paul pulled on some poision oak {or ivy...?} & had an irritated hand for the rest of the day {darn it}. we wrapped up our personal photo session, headed into durango {ate lunch @ steamworks} & swam to our hearts content.
i love my little family.
it was a good day.
17 September 2009
on this afternoon {in mid september}
a half nakie baby sits on my table: this little ray of sunshine {on a some-what gloomy day} decided that she was NOT ready for an afternoon snooze. soinstead of getting in the shower as i had planned {& it being past the two o'clock hour} i sat with my baby & enjoyed her yummy smiles. while we sat {& ate banana puffs}... i had to shoot her "miss priss happy-tude". {a little snippet of what i caught}.

above: {eating a banana puff all by her self}
11 September 2009
called to serve

10 September 2009
swing swing

on a side note: nora grayce is 7 months {& 1 week... i am always late posting updates}! she is crawling everywhere {army crawling but super fast}. she has also started to try standing up in her crib {we lowered her mattress today} loves to eat popsicles, REDvines, & drink root beer with her daddy, still loves organic bananas, still sucks her thumb {seems like more than ever lately}, still loves the tub, still wakes up with a smile {morning & afternoon} only takes a bottle, watches signing time everyday {i love this, i really want her to learn sign language}, has 2 teeth {finally!}, loves looking at books, sleeping like a champ {8 to 8}, yells when she wants something, screams when we take something away, & laughs all the time.
we love NORA so much! i cant imagine doing anything else except for raising nora and being an amazing wife { ;) hehe}. i am so grateful Heavenly Father has given me 2 wonderful people to be around everyday.
p.s. some of her nicknames are: miss g, norka, nosy nora, nora G smiles & fartfurgnunion {go this one from the little rascals}
08 September 2009
one year older
{i know i say it every time i talk about my hunee but...} i love paul with all my heart. i am so greatful for such a wonderful husband, an amazing father, & the most best friend i could ask for. he is my lobster {for those of you who watched FRIENDS}.
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