03 November 2009

one step closer

{my handsome brother Cory: soon to be Elder Eddy}

{my other handsome brother Spencer}

my heart is full: last thursday {october 29} paul & i headed to Albuquerque. down there we met up with my parents, two of my brothers, & my aunt & uncle for a special occasion. cory & i received our endowments. it was such an amazing experience. i am so grateful for the sacred House of the Lord & especially for the love of our Heavenly Father. my testimony has grown tremendously from this experience.

I love to see the temple. I’m going there someday, To feel the Holy Spirit, To listen and to pray. For the temple is a house of God, A place of love and beauty. I’ll prepare myself while I am young; This is my sacred duty.

I love to see the temple. I’ll go inside someday. I’ll cov’nant with my Father; I’ll promise to obey. For the temple is a holy place where we are sealed together. As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth: My family is forever.
{this primary song was stuck in my head for days}
now we are one step closer to getting sealed together as a forever family.
my forever family.


MBlairsLars said...

One huge step closer....I can't wait for the big day. Love you too much freaky!

Anonymous said...

kate, I saw Corey at the mall last Xmas break and I seriously DID NOT recognize him. It was crazy! that kid is SO grown up....I can't get that "little Corey" image out of my head, ya know, from our Jr. High days ;)

Remember when we went to see the Abq temple right when they finished it?? :) gooood times. Miss you!

The brothers look Very handsome and grown up!

Cardon Family said...

That is so awesome! I am so excited for you guys! You are amazing!

Unknown said...

Love this Day! Can't wait for Miss G to be there, too! One of the many rewarding days as a parent. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Oh, and love you very much, too!

Michelle said...

Katie, i'm SO happy for you!! Tell Cory, i said congrats, and he is going to be an amazing missionary!!

Poulsen Family said...

I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to attend your sealing.

The Hillan Family said...

That is pretty much my favorite picture of that temple I have ever seen! WoW! We are excited for your sweet little family! Love you guys!

kristina said...

Congratulations! I am so glad you had an amazing experience! beautiful photo of the temple!

Teri Duncan said...

I am so happy for you and your entire family. I know without a doubt that your Heavenly Father is smiling as well.