she is my little tiny: nora is 9 months {3 days ago}.
she is everywhere & i mean everywhere. she is getting into everything & i mean everything. & i love it.
she loves to eat, especially loves to eat whatever paul & i are eating. she has 4 teeth on top & 2 on bottom {6 teeth total}. she has been pulling herself up on the couch, the kitchen cabinets, the entertainment center {also climbing the entertainment center}, the table, my legs, the door frames, & anything else she gets her hands on, she is standing {for the last month}. she is figuring out how to walk {she has taken 10 to 15 steps: longest yet}. loves to walk us around the house too {she takes us by one finger & leads the way} she loves the back sliding door windows. loves looking at herself in the mirror. loves looking at books {especially eating them} & turning the pages. she loves to be outside. she gives kisses {open mouth kisses}. loves her grandparents {both mine & paul's}. loves aunt shelly's banana bread. loves to watch me do laundry {something about the washer?} still sucks her left thumb {all the time}. still loves signing time. still takes 2 naps & sleeps through the night. she is getting more hair {yea!}. still wakes up with a smile {every time} & is standing up every time i go to get her out. & yes, she still has us wrapped around her finger.
she is perfect.
every once in a while, when she is exhausted, she will fall asleep in my arms while i rock her. i love this moment with my little tiny & i cry every time {happy tears of course}. i realize that she will only be this tiny for a short time.
so while moments like these last, i pretend that my baby will be
my little tiny
I heart your tiny too!
Dont you love cute baby kisses!!!Kash still gives the open mouth ones also.Gotta love it slobber and all :)
I want to MEET your tiny! Maybe when I'm home for Xmas I can come visit you two!!! I heart this post, it's so sweet :)
Aaand, I also just checked out the Photography site for the first time (where have i been?!) - it's AMAZING. Loooove it!
I love your blog! Its one of my favorites to check out:) Nora is so dang cute and getting so big!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...I am doing well and hanging in there.
I love your tiny and you guys too!
Ooh, LOVE the new header!!!! Lookin' gooood, Kate :) Very cool
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