06 October 2009


today you are you,
that is truer than true.

there is no one alive who is youer than you: Dr. Seuss

i left nora in the family room {sitting up with a book & watching signing time} to grab something. when i got back {only being gone a VERY short time} this is what i found. a half nakie chubby baby, comfy & enthralled in her favorite show with her book in hand.

nora, i am happy you are you.


MBlairsLars said...

I am happy her is her too!!!

Anonymous said...

ha!! she likes being half-nakie, no? lol gah, Kate, she is So cute.

that poem seems very appropriate :)

Michelle Blair said...

She is so cute with her own personality. I am so glad you are documenting these special times.

The Hillan Family said...

She is so cute! I could just eat her up!

Alicia said...

She is a doll, Katie! And-- um you are a hottie. Seriously, hott.