22 February 2009


MBlairsLars said...

I love your pictures! I need lessons Paul!

Heather said...

Oh my- you are going to be so glad that you have all of those pictures because before you know it she will be in YW! I'm not kidding!

Michelle said...

It looks like you guys are having so much fun with her! She is super cute! Enjoy it while you can.

Poulsen Family said...


Leah Finch said...

WOW MAJOR POST! I love it! She is so adorable! I have a few I'm working on posting, hope you don't mind!

Michelle Blair said...

She looks so alert now. So cute!

Traci said...

Katie...where have I been? I didn't even get the news that Nora was born...she is soooo precious! Wow! Congratulations, what a beautiful beginning of your family! So excited for you! Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find you, you made my day! Love ya!