on a side note: nora grayce is 7 months {& 1 week... i am always late posting updates}! she is crawling everywhere {army crawling but super fast}. she has also started to try standing up in her crib {we lowered her mattress today} loves to eat popsicles, REDvines, & drink root beer with her daddy, still loves organic bananas, still sucks her thumb {seems like more than ever lately}, still loves the tub, still wakes up with a smile {morning & afternoon} only takes a bottle, watches signing time everyday {i love this, i really want her to learn sign language}, has 2 teeth {finally!}, loves looking at books, sleeping like a champ {8 to 8}, yells when she wants something, screams when we take something away, & laughs all the time.
we love NORA so much! i cant imagine doing anything else except for raising nora and being an amazing wife { ;) hehe}. i am so grateful Heavenly Father has given me 2 wonderful people to be around everyday.
p.s. some of her nicknames are: miss g, norka, nosy nora, nora G smiles & fartfurgnunion {go this one from the little rascals}
Love that girl so much, and love your photos....your really do have talent....must learn from you!
She is such a happy baby! Seeing pics of you guys at *this* park made me happy ;) haha, good stuff!!
Cute cute pics!
Her little outfit is so adorable!
She is so adorable. I can't believe how big she is. You guys are great parents. You can already tell she thinks the world of you guys. Gavin loved red vines too and would get them all over himself.
I LOVE that smile! I am so glad that those teeth came in! And it seems that she is back to her normal sleeping habits which is great! Mikey is still trying to break all FOUR top teeth! Kill Me NOW!! They are so close...just one more good push and they will be through....hopefully sooner than later!
i do love this little lemur
Oh my GOODNESS! Those pictures are amazing! You are all so beautiful! We love our NORA!
Gosh she is so cute....Kash sucked his thumb also which was weird for us his bros never did. Hope you have pictures of the thumb in her mouth cause Kash all of the sudden stopped doing it one day. I love looking back at his pictures with it in his mouth,but am glad he gave it up without a fight :)
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