half a year seems like it has gone by too fast: nora is getting so big & doing so many new things {this post is so over due! she will be 7 months in a week}. some of the things that she loves are: bath tubs every night, organic bananas {picky, picky! ONLY organic bananas}, sweet potatos, juice bottles, her crib, sucking her thumb, laying in bed with us in the mornings, playing with my car keys & her toys {or most items that little babies shouldn't play with... popsicle sticks, straws, empty rootbeer bottles, plastic bags, metal forks... the list goes on}, looking at books {& eats them}, sucking on her bottom lip, she still is the jumping queen & most of all is in LOVE with her daddy.
she really really likes paul {for obvious reasons :) } she squeals in delight when he comes out of his office to take a break from work. i love the way she smiles at him.
miss nora grayce's 6 month stats look{ed} like this:
weight: 16 lbs 1 ounce {60%}
height: 26 1/2 inches {80%}
head: 17 inches {75%}
p.s. nora has recently started to army crawl... EVERYWHERE! & she is dang good at it. she has also started to sleep through the night! all on her own. i am one LUCKY mom.
katie eddy! (cause that's what i know you by)
i CAN NOT get over how flippin' cute she is. oh. my. goshhhhh! :)
when's your temple date, or did i miss something?
she is super adorable!! i'm so happy for you guys!!
I can't believe she is almost 7 months. She is too cute!
Happy 6 months - she is such a cutie!
Hi Katie!
I love that you look at (and posted) on my blog... I'm always asking Markelle how you're doing. It looks like life is great for you and your cute family. Your little Nora is adorable! And you look hott too! :)
Oh my sweet baby!!! i miss holding her while you feed her bananas!! ahh miss you guys!!!
Ohhhh time does go by so dang fast...Im still stuggling with the fact that Kash is ONE.
I LOVE how she always has a cute headband on :) she is TALL!
I about died! cutest little girl in the cutest little bikini. ahhhh, I love it.
is she really that old now? I LOVE these photos of her! all the bright colors surrounding her chubba rolls, oh man I need to hold and squeeze her!! p.s. still looking for a dress for Nora, ... and I just realized i never sent you your photos, so sorry! will do soon!
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